Beth Battista is more than just a preschool teacher based in Madison, Wisconsin. For over a decade, she has dedicated herself to nurturing young minds at the Kids Express Learning Center. Her devotion to education, however, doesn’t stop at the classroom door. Beth has taken her commitment a step further. She’s not just shaping lives; she’s saving them. Her most recent act is as life-changing as it is heartwarming – donating a kidney to one of her four-year-old students, Lyla Carreyn.

A Selfless Gesture Born Out Of Devotion

Lyla Carreyn, a bubbly four-year-old, was known for her vivacious spirit at the Kids Express Learning Center. However, in October, Lyla’s health deteriorated suddenly and dramatically. Her mother, Dena Carreyn, was faced with a terrifying situation when she had to rush her from school to urgent care.

Within mere minutes, an ambulance had whisked them off to a Children’s Hospital. The diagnosis was heart-wrenching; Lyla was suffering from renal failure. Dena knew she had a long and tough battle ahead for her little daughter.

The diagnosis necessitated Lyla to undergo 10 to 12 hours of dialysis every night, a taxing regimen for such a young child. The Carreyn family promptly started the search for a kidney donor, hoping for a match that could free Lyla from the grueling dialysis sessions.

From Teacher to Lifesaver

Having a strong hunch that she might be Lyla’s lifeline, Beth went ahead with a series of medical tests. The universe conspired in their favor, and it was confirmed – Beth was indeed a perfect kidney match for Lyla. Amidst the myriad students she encountered in her career, Beth felt a divine connection that led Lyla to her classroom.

A Moment of Grand Reveal

Beth decided to share this profound news with Lyla’s mother, Dena Carreyn, in an unforgettable way. She asked Dena to come to school under the guise of introducing a new teacher. However, her true intent was to share a handwritten note that held the life-changing news. The note read, “Presently, I might just be her teacher, but soon a part of me will dwell forever with Lyla. I am the kidney donor she was waiting for.”

Such grand reveal of her selfless decision was one of the most poignant moments of Beth’s life, equivalent to the memory of her wedding day or the birth of her two children.


In conclusion, the story of Beth Battista, a preschool teacher, presents a profound reminder of the limitless bounds of human compassion. Her decision to donate her kidney to one of her students, Lyla Carreyn, exemplifies selflessness and kindness of an extraordinary level. It serves as a shining beacon of hope, emphasizing that our roles in life can extend beyond traditional boundaries. As we await the successful completion of the transplantation surgery, this story stands testament to the fact that every profession is an opportunity for extraordinary acts of humanity, if one chooses to see it. If you want to learn more about teachers, it is recommended that you also study early education in Kentucky.