Teachers who want to make a good impression on possible employers must ensure their resume stands out. This post tells you everything you need to know about what to put on a teacher’s resume to be certain you show off your credentials, experience, and skills in the best way possible. From structuring your educational background to highlighting your teaching achievements and relevant skills, we cover all the essentials.

Essential Parts of a Teacher’s Resume

An experienced teacher resume begins with clear and accessible contact information. Place your full name, phone number, professional email address, and LinkedIn profile (if available) at the top of the page. This guarantees that potential employers can easily reach you without having to search.

Next, include a professional summary or objective. In two to three sentences, a summary effectively showcases your teaching experience, key skills, and notable achievements. This section should immediately convey your qualifications and the value you bring to a school.

Conversely, an objective focuses on your career goals and how they align with the opportunities at the school, which can be particularly beneficial for those transitioning into education or changing specialities.

These parts set the tone for your resume by giving a quick overview of your background and goals. They help the reader gain insight into your work experience and skills better.

Educational Background

Your educational background is a cornerstone of your teacher’s resume, listing degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework. Start with your highest degree and work backwards. For example, whether you have a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas, list this first, followed by your Bachelor of Arts in English from the same or another institution. Include the name of each institution, the degree obtained, and graduation dates. 

Highlight certifications specific to your teaching discipline. For instance, include your state teaching license or a reading specialist certification. When your recent coursework directly enhances your teaching credentials, such as advanced courses in child psychology or educational technology, mention these to showcase ongoing professional development. This part not only proves that you are qualified, but it also shows that you are committed to learning throughout your life.

Pertinent Teaching Experience

Based on what highlights your background the most, outline your teaching experience on your resume using a chronological or functional structure. A chronological structure is best to show that you have steadily advanced in your profession. It shows your jobs in the order of recency.

In describing your teaching roles, focus on your achievements and the impact you’ve made rather than merely listing duties. For example, rather than stating “taught English to high school students,” specify “enhanced reading comprehension scores by 20% through innovative, targeted instructional practices.” This method showcases your contributions and their direct benefits to the school.

Employ action verbs to start each bullet point, painting a dynamic picture of your capabilities. Verbs like “developed,” “implemented,” and “transformed” are powerful and engaging. 

Additionally, quantify your achievements wherever possible. Include details like the number of students you managed, percentage improvements in test scores, or any awards and recognitions you received. Quantifying results provides concrete evidence of your effectiveness and sets your resume apart in a pool of candidates. 

For those seeking professional assistance, consider exploring affordable resume writing services to help create an impactful teacher resume with a description of exactly these competitive results.

Key Skills for Teachers

Hard and soft skills are two broad categories that describe essential teacher abilities.

Hard Skills:

  • Curriculum Development: Demonstrate that you can create, assess, and edit curricula that adhere to educational requirements.
  • Classroom Technology: Show that you know how to use technology in the classroom, like how to use interactive whiteboards and student management software.

Soft Skills:

  • Communication: Show that you can explain ideas clearly to students, parents, and coworkers so that information can be shared effectively.
  • Patience: Stress how patient you are when dealing with different student learning styles and classroom dynamics.
  • Adaptability: Display your flexibility in adjusting teaching methods to meet the varying needs and learning styles of students.

How to Show These Skills Off Well on a Resume

To show off these skills well on your resume, use a strategic resumes format for teachers that has both a skills section and a work experience section. In the skills part, make sure you list them clearly and concisely. Give specific examples of how you’ve used these skills in the workplace in the section on working experience. 

For example, talk about a time when you successfully added a new tool to the classroom and saw an increase in student engagement and learning. This way of writing your resume makes it more convincing because it lists your skills and shows proof of them.

Additional Sections to Consider

Include your awards and honors, professional development, and extracurricular activities on your resume in addition to the conventional sections for teachers. This will help you stand out as a well-rounded applicant.

  • Awards and Honors: Consider any awards you’ve won for your exceptional teaching, including “Teacher of the Year” or funding for creative pedagogical approaches.
  • Professional Development and Continuous Learning: List the workshops, seminars, your personal teacher portfolio website, and courses you’ve taken that are related to your field to demonstrate your dedication to professional development. Educational technology, differentiated instruction, and innovative teaching strategies are all examples of what may fall under this category.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Include your positions as a leader or participant in after-school clubs, sports coaches, and other community organizations.

Editing Your Curriculum Vitae

For any teaching position, whether primary, secondary, or higher, you should customize your CV to highlight your qualifications.

For elementary teaching positions, focus on your expertise in foundational skills, classroom management, and your ability to nurture a positive learning environment. Bring attention to past work that has catered to younger students, such as creating lesson plans or activities that are suitable for their age.

Applying for positions in secondary education is a great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the subject and ability to connect with adolescents. Explain how you helped students strengthen their critical thinking abilities in your field or how you helped them prepare for standardized assessments.

When applying for a position in higher education, make sure to highlight your research, curriculum creation, and mentoring skills. To showcase your extensive knowledge and ability to instruct, provide any pertinent articles, the experience of studying abroad, presentations, or group projects.

When writing resumes for teachers, always include keywords from the job description and address-specific qualifications listed by the employer. Make sure your resume is in line with the job listing. Taking a role-specific approach shows that you’ve read the job description carefully and will make your CV stand out to the hiring manager.


You now have all the insights you need to create a winning resume for teaching jobs. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have or if you are just starting out as a teacher; you need to know what to put on your resume to make a good impression on potential employers. 

Careful attention to detail in every part of the profile, from the professional summary to the extracurricular activities and accomplishments, is what makes it appealing to hiring committees. After reading this, you can make a resume that shows off your skills and experience and gets you hired as a teacher.